10 Expert Tips for Ordering the Best Seafood at a  Restaurant

Let your nose be your guide

Even if the dining room is busy, you can still rely on your sniffer for important clues, says Aaron Watson.

Local is best

If you're fortunate enough to live or visit someplace that has access to dayboat fisherman, take advantage of your luck.

Fresh is best, but frozen is isn't necessarily a bad thing

In general, fresh is best, but if you don't have access to dayboat fresh fish, frozen is the best way to have access.

Embrace the familiar if you're nervous

If you've only ordered seafood from chain restaurants, some of the species names on a more upscale menu might be unfamiliar.

Don't fear the unfamiliar

The previous advice notwithstanding, the hidden world under the sea is meant to be mysterious sometimes.

Don't skip the sauce

Serving sauce with fish is a classic presentation, particularly in Continental cuisine.

Trust the chef

Seek the staff's advice either directly or through your server and follow accordingly.

Look for specifics on the menu

The titles of specific dishes on a seafood menu can offer a hint about how involved the kitchen.

Always check out the specials board

Share with friends and family visiting a seafood-forward restaurant is to always check the specials boards.

Find out where your seafood comes from

Because the ocean is so vast, it seems like there would be plenty of fish in the sea, but that's not always the case.

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