10 Things to Stop Doing Once You Hit 60

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for us. People consume cigarettes when brands literally have written and visual warnings of what cigarettes can do to our health.


Similarly, alcohol doesn’t do the brain or the body any favors either. While our memories may be filled with alcohol-fueled nights with friends and family

Drinking Alcohol

Older people may be more stubborn because they want to prove to people that they are independent and self-reliant.

Avoid Seeking Help

Some people say that old people can’t exercise. Others adopt the notion that our bodies become old because we don’t exercise. Neglecting our fitness is the biggest mistake that anyone can make

Ignoring Fitness

While we may feel healthy despite our age, it’s still important that we go to regular check-ups and don’t ignore nagging pains. Health problems can manifest without us noticing

Avoid Health Check-Ups

Since the pandemic, there has been a growing trend when it comes to rejecting vaccinations. From conspiracies such as government monitoring to worrying

Reject Vaccinations

They say that a reader has lived a thousand lives. Reading is not only an enjoyable way to start the day or wind down, but it keeps our brain healthy.

Stop Reading

One of the worst things that someone can do for themselves is to stop socializing with others. While it is okay that some of us are introverted and don’t regularly seek stimulation in the form of socializing, social isolation has adverse mental health effects.

Socially Isolate Themselves

Similar to exercise, one should never stop learning new things. An old dog can’t learn new tricks, some people say, but others will argue that learning new tricks stops you from becoming old.

Stop Learning

Eating low-quality foods is easier when we are younger. But there comes a point in our lives where we have to ditch fast food in favor of nutritious and organic foods.

Eat Low-Quality Foods

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