8 Best Yoga Poses To Enlarge Breasts
Yellow Leaves
(Cobra Pose)
Lie on your stomach with hands under your shoulders.
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
Lie on your back, knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Kneel and lean back, reaching for your heels if possible. This pose opens the chest and improves spinal flexibility.
Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)
From a high plank, lower your body until elbows form a 90-degree angle.
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Stand with feet together, arms at your sides.
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose)
With legs wide apart and front knee bent, extend your arms out to the sides.
Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Lift your legs overhead, supporting your lower back with your hands.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Lie on your stomach, bend your legs, reach back to grab your ankles, and lift your chest and legs.
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